Incipitor Updated to Version 1.1

Changelog for Incipitor Version 1.1

  • New: Now you can edit the names of the folders in the folder window
  • New: All Settings are now saved and put into effect when you push the Save Settings button which has been added to the Settings tab.  (in the previous version, some would save immediately, others required to restart the program or re-open the window)
  • New: Added icons to the buttons and to the folder tree (everyone loves eye-candy, no?)
  • Changed: Moved the program name, version and icon to the Info tab so it is less clutter on the main window.
  • Changed: Removed the “Creating Settings file” notice when you run Incipitor for the first time.
  • Fixed: Custom icon path is now saved
  • Fixed: Version info was missing in the executable for version 1.0

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