Description: Tray-based monitoring tool for the Sensatronics model E4 and model U16 temperature sensors. Features:
- Easy install, completely portable, and low memory usage.
- Tray icon showing selected sensors temperature.
- Optional tray icon showing temperature trend (up, down or steady).
- Configurable auto-refresh settings.
Version: 1.0.5 (2015-01-23) 💾 DOWNLOAD Sensatronics Tray Tool v1.0.5  
Supported OS: Windows 7. Probably works, but not tested, on Windows XP/Vista/8/10.
History: Changelog
Installation: Unzip to its own folder and run SensatronicsTrayTool.exe.
Discussion forum: Here
PAD file: Here
- Version 1.0.5
- Downloads 439
- File Size
- File Count 1
- Create Date 2015-01-23
- Last update 2015-01-23 21:43:37
- Last Updated 2022-01-27