Chromium Nightly Updater

Welcome to the home of the Chromium Nightly Updater! This simple webpage will have to do for now until I get the time to write a proper site. I just wanted to get this one up and running as soon as I could so that you wouldn't have to struggle with the old Mediafire hosting. I also would like to take the time to say thanks to Jesse (aka. Mouser) and John (aka. Gothic) at for hosting me here, everything you guys have done is much appreciated! If you have no idea what is, take the time to visit and join in on the friendly discussions at the forums. I'm certain you won't regret it 🙂
~ Dirhael

Fixed: Download link for Chromium builds changed (thanks to everyone who reported this!

  • Version 1.2.3
  • Downloads 218
  • File Size 384.99 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date September 28, 2011
  • Last update 2011-09-28 17:41:38
  • Last Updated May 5, 2020

1 Comment on "Chromium Nightly Updater"

  1. The Software Gives The message “Unable to check due to a remote server error.” under Latest tested and working build.

    Under Information the message “The remote server returned an error and because of this is was not possible to get the status for any builds. Please try again later.”


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