Overview : FileNanny is a simple program to organize your files into folders. Say you have some files messily hanging around in your download folder and you want to put each of them in individual folders : just let FileNanny handle this. Folders will be created according to file names and files will be moved automatically.
There are also options to detect files with identical names (extension excepted) or move folders to a designated "archive" folder etc.
How it works : Unzip FileNanny.zip to any folder and run FileNanny.exe to open the configuration window. You can then add a context-menu and/or "Send to" entry for FileNanny, and access other Options.
Then, to use FileNanny, just right-click one or multiple files and launch FileNanny via the context menu or the "Send To" menu.
- Version
- Downloads 113
- File Size
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 29, 2018
- Last update 2018-01-29 13:52:05
- Last Updated January 29, 2018